Picture of sunny relaxing


Sunny is one of our FOSPICE (Foster-Hospice) kitties

Sunny was a kitten when she was diagnosed with mild cerebellar hypoplasia (CH also known as wobbly cat syndrome). Unfortunately, Sunny was returned/surrendered back to us over a year later - immobile, falling over, peeing on herself, depressed and not eating. The emergency vet visit yielded nothing helpful, no broken bones.

We took her to our vet, specialists and a neurologist and are doing everything in our power to give Sunny a good quality of life for as long as she is not suffering. Sunny may be wobbly, but between the steroids, acupuncture, and laser therapy, we are doing something right. She is getting stronger, eating more (even getting a little tubby), meows at the door to take a walk in the backyard, uses the litterbox independently, and purrs up a storm when getting head scratches. We refuse to euthanize a cat that still has heart to live.

We will continue to do everything we can for Sunny, but all of her appointments take a financial toll on our limited resources. We want to continue to support her for as long as she has quality of life. Would you consider donating towards her cause?